Vendor Accessibility & Privacy Statements
Missouri state law (RSMo. 191.863) requires state agencies to develop and procure accessible information technology unless an undue burden would be imposed. To ensure we meet this requirement, Truman requires a completed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for each enterprise purchase of information technology. These are maintained with the contracts by our business office. In addition to these large-scale purchases, Truman further requires that free and low-cost, just-in-time/flexible teaching tools used by individual instructors also have accessibility and privacy statements available.
Truman encourages all instructors to help us demonstrate our commitment to inclusion and privacy by linking to this page in all syllabi.
For those instructors seeking Quality Matters certification, in your syllabus please list those technologies/flex tools/ applications you plan to use and then include a link to this page to meet standards 6.4 (privacy) and 8.6 (accessibility).